Sutra of the Day
Pure vision leads to happiness. All unhappiness is due to impure vision.
- Dada Bhagwan
HomeAbout JSS

About JSS

With the unwritten consitution of 'NO-LAW LAW' Dictum of Pujya Shri Dada Bhagwan, Jai Sachchidanand Sangh came into being in 1973, under the fully devoted, loving & seasoned stewardship of Sakal Sanghpati Shri Khetsi Narsi Shah.

A harmonious network of 'Sanghpatis' of our main centres in various cities in India and abroad carry on the spread of "Dada Bhagwan's" Akram Vignan and other activities of 'JAGAT KALYAN'.

'NO-LAW LAW' implies inner discipline and orderliness of the Mahatmas, who seek no perishable things in the world and who, always staying in the 'agnas' of Dada Bhagwan, live and function most agreeably and amicably, primarily for Self-probeing & Total Freedom. Dada Bhagwan's word is a final fulfilling verdict for them.

For publication of Dada Bhagwan's literature, Dada Bhagwan Vitrag Trust was also started, which now actively work under the auspices of Jai Sachchidanand Sangh.

The 'Sangh' has so far published 227 Books of Dada Bhagwan's Sakshat Sarswati - immortal spiritual discourses which include volumes of Apta Sutra & Apta Vanis [Part 1 to 9], Pads of Kaviraj - Mukti Sukh [Part 1 to 11], Sanatan Sukh, Sheel Darshak, lakhs of 'Charan Vidhi' booklets, etc.

Remarkably, all the books bear the only price – The spirit of humility and I know nothing.

Besides publishing and distributing countless books, ‘Sangh’ has been publishing monthly magazine ‘AKRAM VIGNAN’ since 1979, which is the mouthpiece of Sangh’s multifarious activities, discourses of Dada Bhagwan & information-bridge.

There is also ‘Youth Wing’ which does different activities to illumine and present Dada Bhagwan's science before the world. Besides being helpful to all in exposition and explanation of Dada Bhagwan's science, it harnesses and sharpens their energy and talents most effectively.

The ‘Sangh’ guides the various activities of celebrations, construction of Temples etc., new projects and programs of Satsang with the unanimous accent, in tune with Dada Bhagwan's Vignan.

There is a regiment of Apta-Putras – young boys initiated by Dada Bhagwan and entirely engrossed in and devoted to the mission of Jagat Kalyan. They move in every nook and corner of India and abroad, carrying the light of Dada Bhagwan's knowledge and wisdom.

In short, Jai Sachchidanand Sangh is a goal-oriented assemblage of aspiring souls who aim at

  • Freedom from woes & worries
  • Freedom from crushing clashes & tensions
  • Freedom from agony and anxieties

With the resultant attainment of

  • Lasting happiness & harmony
  • Inner peace & bliss
  • Emancipation from duality.

Activities of Jai Sachchidanand Sangh

Spiritual Discourses, Talks & Seminars:

With a view to spreading the divine culture for happy, harmonious and peaceful life, there are programmes of religious talks and question-answer seminars. This is not a one-sided feeding of cultist knowledge but it is inclusive of all human values and plurality of knowledge which is impartial and universal, which soars above the barriers of class, creed, cult & colour and which spreads the message of love, mercy, peace and amity. It is spreading the light of ancient Indian culture bringing about the whole mankind as one family.

Publications of a Magazine:

With membership of more than ten thousand subscribers a monthly magazine is being published by Jai Sachchidanand Sangh. It has been the mouth-piece of the organisation for last thirty years. Articles and experiences of different authors and aspirants along with the information of programmes and speeches of Akram Vignan Dada Bhagwan are published in this magazine, spreading His light. Here are the titles of some article series... Positive Drishti, Adjust Everywhere, Non-Violence, The fault lies with the sufferer, That which happens is Natural Justice, Suspicion, Inspiration for happy and harmonious living, etc.

Publications of Books:

To-day more than 250 (Two Hundred Fifty) titled books have been published with the only price: Humility and 'I know nothing.' These books are intended to inspire, awaken and lead the people to a meaningful life. They have been distributed freely in the schools, colleges, libraries and interested scholars and well-meaning people.

Utilisation of Electronic Media:

Throbbing activity of making CD's and DVD's has been undertaken to quench the thirst of inquisitive and interested people and distributed all over the world. Making the easy access to Spiritual Knowledge. It is the documentation of this knowledge of Jai Sachchidanand Sangh.

Educational and Cultural Activities:

Activities such as would inculcate humanitarian values for a decent life in children and youth, the organisation has been helpful financially also to the promising pupils - students in their academic career.

Aptaputras and their Parental Welfare Activities:

The Aptaputras are young men who are celibate and who have dedicated their life for the spread of Dada's divine knowledge. They are like the mobile temples of spiritualism and solution of the social problems. They keep moving all over India and abroad. The organisation has undertaken the responsibility for their parents providing lodging and boarding and medical help.

Old Age Health Centres:

One of the projects is to take care of the old people for the lodging, boarding and health problems. Dada Bhagwan named the initiative as "Nirant".

Preservation of the Assets Activities:

New cultural centres are built where spiritual and cultural activities are organised. There is a special committee for preservation and smooth running of the centres of culture.

Celebration of Great Festivals Activities:

All the traditional and cultural festivals are organised under this head. There are religious discourses, dramas, musical activities and the message of invited, learned scholars and people.

Research and Preservation Activities:

This sector of Jai Sachchidanand Sangh manages the operational part of arranging conferences, bulletins, photographs, libraries and digital CD's and DVD's. The human welfare programmes are arranged with holistic and scientific approach for the global peace and harmony.

Youth Wing Activity:

Youth is the foundation of a new order coming up fully equipped with the qualities of cultural and humnatarian background. Anew generation brimming with new ideas is encouraged to build a sound social foundation. The leadership training is being given to them and they have been involved to participate in all activities ofJSS. They will run the classes of languages, classical arts, traditional culture, dramatics and the camps of local, national and international level. A web-site will be run to enlighten the youth in preparations for the present and future problems.

Legal Activity:

There is a legal committee to safeguard interest of JSS and handle any legal problem that confronts.

Women Welfare Activity:

In all the programmes the women will handle to create agreeable atmosphere, superwise lodging and boarding activities, take up the decorative part of festivals, look to the safety of women during the gathering, and travels, prepares script from the cassets, CD's, DVD's and help to solve the family and domestic problems and many other small duties are assigned to them for running JSS activity.